Social Media Management | Content Creation | Food Photography

Manhattan sister restaurants Wine:30 and Wine:34 have been consistently rated two of the top wine restaurants in New York City, each receiving a Wine Spectator Award of Excellence on an annual basis. They boast an impressive list of over 300 individual types of wine from across the globe and a menu of Mediterranean inspired cuisine.


The Challenge

Both locations had not been active on Instagram in over a year and had minimal activity across their social other channels. A full social audit revealed outdated photos, menus, links, and contact information. Both channels needed consistent content, promotions, and advertisements and though similar in their offerings and name, Wine:30 and Wine:34 are unique to their own selves and required establishing a different, but related, identity. I managed their social presence and brought consistent activity across Instagram, Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp!, and Seamless.



I elevated their social media channels by leveraging photography to provide high quality imagery of their food, influencer marketing to spread awareness through popular food and culinary accounts on Instagram, and strong storytelling to establish each location as a different experience with unique qualities that served different needs: Wine:30 as a place to go for dinner and drinks with friends and Wine:34 as a date night spot.